I also offer a range of additional therapies including: Infrared Heat Therapy, Moxibustion, Cupping, Auricular Acupuncture and Electro Acupuncture. They may be used alone or combine with your acupuncture treatment.
Heat Lamp uses short-wave infrared light produced by an incandescent heat source to give a deeper penetration of heat and releases a formulation of 33 essential minerals from a coated plate which is beneficial for your body.
This can enhance blood circulation, improving the transport rate of essential biochemical compounds, as well as providing pain relief and a pleasant warming effect.
It can be used to help with:
Moxibustion is a Chinese herb which is put onto needles and left to burn, or a moxa stick is held over specific acupuncture points. Its purpose is to warm the area and corresponding energy pathway.
Moxibustion has been used throughout Asia for thousands of years. It is particularly known for its ability to turn breeched babies.
The benefits of moxibustion are: Increasing blood circulation, improving energy, stimulating the digestive system, boosting the immune system, and helping with joint pain, arthritis, diarrhoea, kidney stones, menstrual cramps, infertility & sperm motility.
Cupping is a therapy used to draw out toxins (harmful energies), remove blood stagnation, and increase the circulation of blood and Qi in the area. It involves warming and placing glass cups on the skin. By warming the air within the cup, a vacuum is created. When it is applied to the skin, the tissue is drawn up into the cup. Cupping can cause bruising which may last about a week.
Cupping stimulates blood flow and clears tension, and it is very relaxing and great for releasing stressed aching neck and shoulders.
The other benefits of cupping include: awakening appetite, strengthening the stomach and digestion, improving metabolism, relieving constipation, relieving pain and increasing suppleness of stiff tendons and muscles.
Auricular Acupuncture: Using very fine sterile needles to stimulate the acupuncture points on the external ear surface to treat the conditions in other areas of the body to improve wellbeing.
The tissue of the ear is unique and has much more functions than just sense of hearing, the map on the ear is form of an inverted fetus with all the fine details of the anatomical, physiological and emotional body represented and it holds a microsystem of the body which is consistent with the brain map discovered by a Canadian neuroscientist - Dr Wilder Penfield. The earliest use of ear acupuncture dates back to ancient China.
Auricular acupuncture has clinically proven to be an efficient method of treating a wide variety of conditions, from allergies, pain disorders, headaches to addictions and weight loss. It also used with Cosmetic Acupuncture to achieve amazing results of looking healthier & younger.
Electro - Acupuncture is the stimulation of acupuncture points with electric current via needles. This involves the needles being attached to a device that generates continuous electrical pulses using small clips. It is very safe and effective.
“I decided to try acupuncture after I’ve tried everything else, but there was nothing working for me as I had stiffness in my shoulder, neck and pain in my hips. The acupuncture doesn’t take my pain away completely, but it makes my day to day life easier. I recommend Grace to anyone.”
Katie White (Canterbury)